
Alpha Dog Training Members

First Visit “Assessment Day”

Alpha Members (over 20 weeks): $70

Alpha Members (under 20 weeks): $55

Full Day Prices - Staying over 5 hours

Full Day: $55

Full Day 2nd Dog: $50

Entire Male Full Day: $65

1/2 Day Prices - Staying less than 5 hours

1/2 Day: $45

1/2 Day 2nd Dog: $40

Entire Male 1/2 Day: $55

Non Alpha members

First Visit “Assessment Day”

Non - Alpha Members (over 20 weeks): $90

Non - Alpha Members (under 20 weeks): $60

Full Day Prices - Staying over 5 hours

Full Day: $60

Full Day 2nd Dog: $55

Entire Male Full Day: $70

1/2 Day Prices - Staying less than 5 hours

1/2 Day: $50

1/2 Day 2nd Dog: $45

Entire Male 1/2 Day: $60

  • Alpha Dog Training Members refer to customers who attend Alpha Weekly Obedience classes, have completed a 4 Day Fast Track course or have completed the Boarding & Training Course

  • Males over 6 months old who aren’t desexed are charged an additional $10 fee as per the pricing above. Many other doggy daycares DO NOT accept males who are not desexed.

  • Dogs who haven’t attended Alpha Doggy Playcare in MORE THAN 6 months will be subject to paying the “Assessment Fee” rates. Dogs must be ‘reassessed’ as their behaviour can change significantly over time.